Turmeric Powder

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Turmeric Powder 1

Turmeric powder is a bright yellow spice which is made from dry Turmeric Rhizomes and is always used in dried powdered form. Turmeric's main ingredient is 'curcumin' which exhibit a wide range of medicinal purposes. Turmeric is useful for its colour, flavor, cosmetic and medicinal properties. Turmeric powder's flavor could also be described as peppery, or even warm in the mouth. It is used as flavor and adds an orange-yellow color to the food. It is also essential in curry powder which is used in meat, vegetables and lentil dishes. Lastly, it works as a substitute for saffron in rice, curries and desserts.

Turmeric powder, a bright yellow spice from the rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant, has a long history of traditional Ayurvedic usage. Turmeric powder is made from dry Turmeric Rhizomes.
Turmeric's main ingredient is 'curcumin' which exhibit a wide range of medicinal activities. Turmeric is useful for its colour, flavor, cosmetic and medicinal properties. The yellow color of Turmeric is due to Curcumin and related compounds, Curcuminoids present in rhizomes of turmeric in the range of 3 to 6%. The quantification of Curcuminoids in turmeric and its products is normally based on spectrophotometric measurement.

Turmeric promotes the flow of bile from the liver. Bile is one vehicle of the body, uses to excrete fat-soluble toxins. Curcumin, a potent antioxidant, is believed to be the most bioactive and soothing portion of the herb turmeric.

  Upto 10%
